Faith Formation
All Saints Episcopal Church is an intergenerational community of many
backgrounds. We are a welcoming congregation and invite everyone into
our faith community, without regard to sexual orientation or gender
identity, race, age, national origin, socioeconomic status, marital
status or disability as we are all children of God and He loves each and
every one of us. We seek to support each other in understanding God's
plan for us and our place in His plan through the teachings of our Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Rather than classes that merely aim to educate the mind, we have put in place programs that touch the heart and helps each person to "grow in relationship to Christ." You are encouraged to discuss, free to speak openly, and welcome to disagree. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, All Saints welcomes you!
Bible studies and Sunday School are both active on Sunday Mornings at 9 am (COVID-19 permitting)
Our Wednesday night program is a spiritual feast in three courses: Worship and Prayer, fellowship and a meal, and then a spiritual conversation. Begins at 5:30pm and concludes by 7:00pm
Informal get togethers may happen throughout the month where relaxed discussions of faith and everyday problems people may face in their lives may happen. Please feel free to use any of the resources below to help you in your journey.