1985 was a very busy year with the celebration of our 50th Anniversary and the grand finale on All Saints’ Day.
Several work days made sure the Church was in good order both inside
and outside. Seven trees were planted including two Sweet Gums, two Red
Oaks, two Bradford pears and a Bald cypress. Seventy new chairs and a
storage rack were purchased with a $1,000 gift from ECW donations.
Parish Hall, kitchen, kitchen cabinets and the nursery were all painted. The needs survey indicated our physical plant was too small. A
plan for more space has been addressed by the Long Range Planning group.
Details will be unveiled during our 50th celebration. During 1984, a
building fund was started. The fund had $17,000 in January, 1985.
Anniversary events included a Kick Off Dinner, VOOM presentation by
Dr. Bob Bibens, Lenten presentation by Sister Gabriel, Prairie Schooner
Box Dinner, Evensong and Ice Cream in park, recognition of Dao F amily’s
fifth anniversary in US, and a special Eucharist and 50th anniversary
dinner. The Eucharist was celebrated by former rectors Fr. Dick Allen, Fr. Lou Lindsay, Fr. Timothy Church, Fr. Charles deVries and
the Rt. Rev. Gerald McAllister. During visitation time plans for the
future addition to the Church were presented.
In 1986, Father Jerry Miller resigned and a search committee was
formed immediately. Father James Sigler
accepted our call and began on July 1, 1986 as our new priest. The building fund had $48,000.
Shrove Tuesday as uniquely crafted at All Saints’ is a fun-filled
evening with dinner planned, cooked and served by the Men of the Year.
The evening’s entertainment is a white auction of goods and services
donated by parish members. Money derived from this auction is used for
Parish Life to replenish the coffee supply, purchase food for compassion
dinners, and in some instances “supplement the general budget.” For
many years Blaine Smith, with his rich broadcasting voice, served as
auctioneer to this and oh so many other events.
The vestry supported the ministry and Diaconate endorsement for Gary
Templeton. After a long process, he was ordained on August 24th with
Bishop McAllister officiating.
Father Erimos Baryaruah from West Ankole Diocese, Uganda, visited our parish for three days.
After the marriage of Fr. Sigler to Shelly Garvin, daughter of
parishioners Don and Harold Garvin, Fr. Sigler resigned as priest of All
Saints’. So, in 1992 All Saints’ was in need of a new priest. Through a
very careful, fun and carefully contrived three-day interview process
for each candidate, the Rev. Dwight N. Helt was selected and called to
All Saints’.
Beginning in 1993, funds originally given by Mrs. Susan Beagle were
known as the “Beagle Trust”. From this point forward, annually all
interest from the Beagle Trust was paid to the Building Fund along with funds from the Bill Owsley Family. The Building
Fund and all interest were restricted from use for church operations.
The building project was kicked off in March with the Bishop’s visit.
A time capsule containing messages from parishioners will be in the
new building with separate commemorations for Susan Beegle and the
Owsleys. Projected completion was for a cost of $620,000.
A coffeehouse program was started and ran for several years. This was
also the start of pot luck dinners on a regular basis and the Christmas
Eve reception.
In May of 1994, work began on building the new nave and youth room
which consumed activities but time was taken out to raise funds for the
purchase of a Uganda Cow! Monies raised were eventually transferred to
another account.
In 1995, a softball team was launched with Van Moore serving as
captain. Initially, 30 persons signed up to play. The softball team was
reported to be losing games on a regular basis and having lots of fun
doing it. The first youth mission trip was organized and held by junior
and senior high students for the Oakerhater Indian Mission Bible School
in Watonga.
The organ, always needing repairs, was under the care of Tom Cottner from Altus.
Jennifer Parker was commissioned to photograph Oklahoma’s Mission to the Diocese of West Angola and Uganda.
The dedication of the new Nave and Youth Center on November 5, 1995
was the pinnacle of the year’s events. Prior to the dedication, the
vestry was asked to spearhead a series of work days to assure interior
and exterior building and grounds were in the best possible shape. Sunday’s 9:30 AM dedication service (with as many people as
possible being involved) was followed by a catered buffet. In the
evening, there was a service of Music and sung Evensong to which friends
were invited and wine and cheese served.

A piece of each and every person who has been a member of the All
Saints’ community, throughout its history, is contained within this
structure. The glorious Dedication Eucharist will long be remembered in
ways consistent with our Episcopal style and heritage.
All Saints’ hosted the state Youth Conference with 75 youth participating in 1996.
In 1997 with George Sherrill devising, developing and spearheading
the campaign, 22 stained glass windows (designed by Cissy McCaa) in the
Nave were used as naming opportunities and a way to raise additional
funds. This was a fund raiser for endowment purposes rather than the
building fund since the building was completed. There were three ways to purchase:
- $5,000 at time of installation for one window which would actually pay for two windows to be installed.
- $7,500 over a three-year pay-out of $2,500 a year.
- Long term investment of $10,000 minimum paid upon death through direct bequest in a will or life insurance contract.
All windows were purchased as a testimony to the faith and service of
this parish and its many friends. Sunday, November 1, 1997, All Saints
Day, Bishop Moody celebrated the Holy Eucharist, baptized and confirmed
and offered a dedication and blessing to all the windows as a group. A
special commemorative Eucharist for each window on the Sunday nearest to that particular saint’s day contained opportunities to lift
up in prayer those named in the commemoration as well as recognizing the
gifts of the benefactors and remembering the life and ministry of the
particular saint. Just as the sun reflects beautifully in the glass of
the windows, this trust reflects our faith and commitment to God in this
“Our building is a result of the faithfulness of those in ages past
and those now living. Our future will be the result of our trust, our
work and the provisions we make for those who will come after us.”
It should be duly noted the contributions (not only financial which
were innumerable but also his wise guidance) of Tom McCasland over the
years in making interest-free loans to keep the All Saints’ doors open.
Over time, the loan would be forgiven and then another one made. . . and
the cycle continued.
Finally with the help of a $15,000 grant from the Diocese and
donations from parish members, the cycle reversed itself and the $31,500
note borrowed from Tom was paid in full and the mortgage burned. Now
debt-free, the parish could move forward with confidence.
Van Moore, long-time Altar Guild chairman resigned and All Saints’
joined the 21st century creating a web page under the auspices of its
humble web servant Rick Duncan.
An additional fund raiser of eight stained glass windows located on
the west wall of the Narthex were offered for sale for $5,000 cash per
window or $10,000 deferred with all monies earmarked for the endowment
Not content to sit still, Duncan invited the 1999 Diocesan Convention to enjoy some All Saints’ hospitality.
Patsy and Nelson Garner served as the most capable co-chairmen with
almost all parish members enthusiastically participating. The ten
months’ of hard work ended November 11 – 13 at the Simmons Center. All
Saints’ gained statewide respect and set standards with our Episcopal community bonding together to achieve creative results exceeding all
expectations which prompted Bishop Moody to write:
My dear friends,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a joy it was to
be in Duncan for the 62nd Diocesan Convention. I am so very grateful to
you for all that you did to make our time with you so very enjoyable
and so very pleasant.The warmth of your welcome, the comfort of the
Simmons Center, the entertainment on both Thursday and Friday evening,
the Church appointments offered for our worship on Thursday. Friday and
Saturday, the well organized manner in which you received us
and supported us, the banquet menu, the good weather…. I don’t know how
the time in Duncan could have gone better or been more pleasant!I wish
we were coming back there next year. Blessings and blessings be
Faithfully and gratefully,
Robert M. Moody